How To Make Over $500 A day With Twitter Working Only 1 Hour A Day

Recently, Twitter is taking over the social media world and most importantly, it has become a bedrock of making money online, me and my friends have been sitting tight to the corner and figuring out new methods of making money online on an easy and plainly simple way that is 100% FREE.

It's quite fortunate that we remembered Twitter in our diary last night and figured out some quick stuffs then tweaked and twisted the methods and did some testings and holla... our twitter new method was spilling out $417.15 cold cash by evening today and in just a single minute, I'm going to share all the methods with you here.

One thing is that this new technique is dead simple, so read on...

Step 1: 
Create around 5 female accounts on twiiter. Twitter allows 10 accounts on one IP address.

Step 2:
Now, add some sexy photo's to those accounts.

Step 3:
Here is the main deal, go to Twitter Trends and see the status of trending topics. While I am typing this post I can see [Snow Leopard, #itmightbeover, Labor Day, AT&T Maria Campbell, #pray4maiacampbell, Jay-Z etc.......] are the trending topics.

Step 4: 
Now open the word document and copy those trends in it and make changes like this: Snow Leopard,  CB Profit Sniper Sites #itmightbeover, Labor Day, AT&T Maria Campbell, #pray4maiacampbell, Jay-Z
 Did you see the difference.
Yes, that is my promotion link.

But I guess you know what to put it in their. Remember that you have a limit of only 140 characters in twitter. So check the characters by going to the tools option in word and click on the "word count"

Step 5:
I guess you might have understood what i was saying. Now how do you make $500 in a day with this?

Do I need to tell this too.

Ok, I know some lazy guys will be reading this so I am writing this for them.

Sign up with any CPA company and use the email submit offers. Financial offers they seem to get more advantage and money I guess.

Step 6: 
There is one more process here. You need to keep deleting and pasting the same tweet again and again at a frequent intervals of 3 minutes.

Step 7: 
Now you might wonder how come twitter couldn't find out this spamming method. Yes, they did find out this. I experimented this with almost 50 accounts. And what I saw was that Twitter will suspend your accounts if you post it again within less than 3 minutes. I mean the above tweet should be there on your profile for more than 3 minutes so that the twitter spider will recognize you as a person and not any spammer. If you keep it for less than 3 minutes then surely your account will be suspended.

Now in this method you don't even need large list of followers. So time saving and fast earning method. Now if you are a bit greedier, then put your website address in the profile and you will see some hits their too and what else might possible that your adsense earnings will raise. Remember that twitter will suspend the accounts having the same website address in more than 3 profiles. So give your ass a little work.

Now the guys, who don't have a cpa account, I will tell you another good idea. Just Google CPA Networks and you will find good CPA networks to work with

Lets calculate the time here:

Creating twitter accounts. 5 minutes.

Twitter Trends: 10minutes.

Remaining time: 45 minutes.

Tweets at the interval of 3 minutes: 15 tweets

Each tweet visitors: Let's assume 3 visitors( there will be more ) for each tweet you make.

Total no. of visitors: 45

Earnings: If 30 of them even submit their email, then $100. I know it depends on the offer. But guys come on get a bit greedier and get a high paying offer.

Now, spare just few minutes of your time to load it all on autopilot using a good twitter autopilot tool that you can find in the money making tools categories.

I will call it a stop here...

If you need help then contact me.

Precious Ngwu

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