How To Insert Code in Blog Posts

Seriously, this one really bit off my lips when I realized that over 10 posts that I have published with lots of codes does not appear and i have o edit them again and I didn't want you to make the same mistake and that is why I'm taking my time now to show you how to insert code (HTML, PHP or Javascript) code to your blog pot.

Normaly if you copy-paste some code into the edit HTML or Compose window in your Create post form in Blogger the code will render and show what it is supposed to show. But what if I want to show you the code, not the result of the code.

To insert code, simply follow these steps...
  1. Copy the code into your NOTEPAD!
  2. Use Edit->Replace (or Ctrl+H) and in find all the < and replace them with & l t ; (delete the spaces between the characters, without spaces you would just see another < here) 
  3. Use Edit->Replace (or Ctrl+H) and in find all the > and replace them with & g t ; (delete the spaces between the characters, without spaces you would just see another > here)
  4. Copy the code from NOTEPAD into the Blogger post
  5. And you are done
What have you done? The & l t ; is another way of telling the browser to show a <.
It is very simple but if you are not careful... you will loose it like I did.

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