How To Dominate Your Niche With Google Wonder wheel

Please listen up because I’m sure that even a PRO Cb Profit Sniper site builder can learn something from this…

This method works best for people who built their profit sniper sites around topics/categories in a niche and as much as I know, I have not used this method on review sites and I don’t think that it will perform the same miracle in review sniper sites.

Here is an example, If you have a website in the Golf and your site concentrates on Pro Golf Dipping and for one thing or the other, your site is not ranking for Pro Golf Dipping in search engines due to high competition and other reasons or you want to build a new niche site.

You have chance to get it right “The Google Wonder wheel

 This a tool that was recently introduced into the SEO world by Google recently and just like the name, it works wonders if you know how to use it perfectly, the Google Wonder wheel helps to find related terms to your main keyword and so far, I have discovered that Google is always sending a message using this Wonder wheel and the message is that if your site is talking about this keyword these are the topics that you will talk about on the site and this is the category you should put each topic and your site will be fully optimized and your site will dominate the keyword.

So we have 2 things in focus:
#1: The topics that should be on the site
#2: The categories for each topic

What to do:
Go to and search for the keyword that you are actually targeting then when the results are returned, go to the left hand side and hit the link written “Wonder wheel” then allow the Google Wonder wheel to load.
After loading, it will bring out a circular picture with lots of legs and hands with keywords attached to each of them, that is it… note down all those keywords and check their competition then use them as topic on your site (all of them) and post each topic a day
The category for each keyword (topic) is the 2 keywords that end the keyword.
Next thing is use Google Keyword Tool to find your LSI keywords and you are done.
Then go dominate your niche, I have been using this for about 2 months now and the results I’m getting beyond excellent because I now dominate my niches and rank higher and faster for the keywords that I’m talking about plus the fact that my sites click thru rate have tripled since the visitors now see topics related to each other that provides more valuable information and before they know it, they are already sold on my offer.

Any question is accepted, just reply this post and I will respond to as soon as I can and I hope you get a new strategy with this.

Precious Ngwu (Profit Sniper)

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